Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Traditions Live On...

It's that fun time of year for the traditions to live on.
Bradley and Katie got to shop for a few more ornaments for
our tree. Katie inst ed on 2 because Bradley has
more the her. We lucked out, ornaments were on sale and
it was $7 for all three.
The next day is was time to do our houses.
Here is a sample of our fun.
Did you notice on the first picture how
serious Brent gets?
For those who make theirs quickly it's time to
Let the decorating begin!

A thoughtful Katie.

We asked Bradley why he was just standing around,
he said his dad was doing it all and hadn't told him
the plan.

This is the creation of Kaylan and Bradley.
A hunting cabin complete with an Out House!
Great job guys...

This is Kellie's creation, very cute, we all thought
it looked like a church.

Katie's is a bit more under control than usual, she did a good job.

Cindy's house is sweet and cute just like her!

Brent's house is a replica of my housecomplete with lights! Hopefully mine is a bit sturdier.