Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We use our ginger bread houses at Halloween as well as Christmas. Sunday Katie and Bradley made there Halloween houses. Here is some of our fun.

I like this picture because not only is she licking and enjoying the chocolate frosting but the picture looks like she is wearing it!

This is how it began...

It's not fun if you don't lick a little more...

Ta Da! We didn't' think she would ever finish piling on the candy....

Bradley was very meticulous this year and the results were impressive.

The finished Product.

Very simple, not over stated.


Grandmajoann said...

How very fun! They both look great. Maybe Bradley is going to be a contractor and build houses. It is so nice and detailed. Looks kind of planned. Thanks for sharing. Love ya.

Sheryl said...

Wow! Two very different styles for sure. I love the clean lines on Bradley's, but Katie's would be good for snitching a little off of.

I do love snitching!

~Cynthia~ said...

You are such a fun grandma. You are very inspiring. It makes me tired seeing all the things you do with Bradley and Katie. I would love to have your energy and motivation to do such fun things with my own children.

Julie said...

Quite often I am tired, but it's fun!