Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Grandpa and Grandma Field Trip

When Bradley heard in church that there was a temple open house he wanted to go so he could see inside the temple. We thought that would be a fun field trip so we got online to get reservations. Of course by the time we did there were no times available except during school. We asked Bradley if he would like to get out early on a short day or a regular day. He chose a regular day so he could miss math. They learn so young!
We had heard horror stories of it taking people 5 hours to get through the Temple. I guess it was a good thing to get out of school, we breezed through. When we were done we asked them what they thought, this is what Bradley said, " I'm not really into church stuff but it was pretty cool".

They both thought it was pretty cool to go on a bus, especially when you get a window seat.

Here we are outside after the tour. After being served cookies and taking our pictures we are ready to get back on the bus for our the ride back to our car. I do believe the bus ride was Katie's favorite part.

Sorry same picture and I can't seem to delete it. I really need a lesson on this stuff...

I think we did accomplish getting a portrait portfolio for Katie. Bring out the camera on the bus and she's all about posing. Twice in the temple she was told how pretty her hair is and both times she popped into a pose. She loves to have curly hair!

Just a side note on Jess. He has been quite depressed as you can imagine, he is still at the U in intermediate care. He is still collecting fluid in his abdomen. It's a problem that has to heal itself. They were going to put a shunt in to help the drainage but first they think he has an infection so they can't, then they say it's getting better on it's own, then they say they can't do a shunt because of an infection...who knows. The good thing is that Jess seemed to be in better spirits yesterday, he actually had his glasses on and was watching TV, some thing he hasn't done since being in the hospital.


~Cynthia~ said...

You were smart to pick a school day. We got one of the 5 hour days. We went early afternoon, but on the day the kids were out of school, which didn't dawn on me that parents had the day off also so everyone came that day. I asked Cayla if it was worth it, even though it took so long, and she said yes, and she is the reason we went so I guess it turned out okay.

Our former bishop, Bishop Bluth's wife was the head decorator for the temple and she is also a Laurel advisor, so Brittni got to go hang pictures and take a private tour before the open house. Brittni had insight into things we never would have known had she not gone with us. She got to actually watch them sculpt the carpet in the Terestial and Celestial rooms to match the pattern in the ceiling, and she has earrings made from the same crystals that are in the chandeliers.

We are in that temple district now, so I'm glad Cayla and Brittni got to see it. Come November, Cayla will be old enough to go do baptisms there. The couple in charge of the baptistry is from our ward.

It is all very exciting that we now have a new temple.

Of course, most exciting to my kids is that the day of the dedication we don't have regular church meetings and they get to just stay home. :-)

Davis Valley Classic said...

You guys are such cute grandparents, and I almost died when I saw those pictures of Katie posing with her red curly hair! SO CUTE! It makes me sad Bradley is getting so old, I remember the days when he was so little and every time I talked to him he would blush. Haha! Remember how I taught him how to keep a cup on his chin? Oh man, I teach kids great things, ha?

Jen said...

It sounds like it was a fun trip and a great reason to skip some school!

Ang said...

I love it that their favorite part was the bus ride, kids are hilarious!

Now someone needs to get Katie into some sort of performing arts that kid is a total diva, she is so stinking cute!

Sheryl said...

That girl is such a poser! I thought Liv had the corner on that, but I think maybe Katie is the new champ.

How fun is it that you get to be so hands on with the grandkids? I am so stinking jealous I can hardly stand myself.

I'm glad to hear that Jess is in better spirits. Wouldn't it be nice if the doctors could make up their minds about what is going on?

Anonymous said...

Bless those dear little children! I love them. I am glad that Katie poses. Maybe she will get some embarrassing pictures acting like a dinosaur or mimicking a statue like some of the rest of us. Who would teach us to do such things?

Glad you went to the Open House. Its good to take advantage of those opportunities.